Five Ways to Optimize Your Immune System

Dr. Ramirez discusses 5 ways to optimize your immune system 1. Eat a variety of plant foods like, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, etc.  Plant are the ideal foods for humans. They provide the compounds needed to run an optimal immune system. Two examples of foods showing great promise in recent research are mushrooms andContinue reading “Five Ways to Optimize Your Immune System”

We Treat Personal Injury Cases!

If you were in a car accident acupuncture is one of your treatment options. We at Nei Jing Eastern Medicine have treated those injured in car accidents for many years. We have met many patients that were unaware that acupuncture is covered by personal injury car insurance. We want everyone to know that your favoriteContinue reading “We Treat Personal Injury Cases!”

Our Healthy Weight Program

A recent UCLA-led study concluded that Body Mass Index, BMI is not an accurate measure of health for humans. It labels many fit people as “obese.” At Nei Jing Eastern Medicine, we have never used BMI as an indicator of health. Perhaps it is because Dr. Ramirez worked for many years at UCLA’s John WoodenContinue reading “Our Healthy Weight Program”

Nei Jing Book Club: How Not to Die

While Nei Jing Eastern Medicine does not have an official book club, there are some books that we hope all patients should read. The first such book that we want to recommend is “How Not to Die” by Dr. Michael Gregor. The doctor has a long history helping improve his patients’ health through diet. HeContinue reading “Nei Jing Book Club: How Not to Die”